A couple weeks ago John came into the shop looking for a particular bike part. Check out what he was riding!
The proud owner and builder |
Here's the master craftsman himself posed to ride his awesome homemade contraption. This bike and trailer stretched to about 14 ft long. We were his last stop before the start of his trip down to visit his daughter's college in the south west USA.
If you know of the Harrisonburg biking scene, you must know that mountain biking is a pretty big deal around here. The local bike coalition hosts rides every week that cater to this intensive style of riding. SBC also caters to our wonderful mountain bikers as well. Check out our new display of carbon mountain bikes.
Look at those beauties |
We carry mountain bike styles for all riders and all preferences: long travel, XC, and all mountain. The wheel sizes in the picture above from left to right are 26, 650, and 29. Bikes with carbon frames are stiff, light, responsive and aesthetically pleasing. The carbon frame is one single piece rather than pieces that are welded together which allows for all of these features listed above.
Come check them out and feel the difference for yourself!
The diversity of the type of requests we work on here at the bike shop really hits home when you look at the little visitor we had this morning.
Yep. We had a miniature pony come in needing a little help with his wagon wheel. Just another day at SBC and another day in Harrisonburg.
Collin helps with the pony cart. |
What a cutie! |
Working downtown has been one of the best decisions I've made this summer. As the new PULP girl, I came in knowing next to nothing about bikes. The exposure to this crazy diverse community I have gotten by working at SBC is something I wouldn't trade for the world. I definitely gain something every single day.
Stay interesting Harrisonburg,
- Jaimie