Saturday, September 9, 2017

Cycle Central... Powered by SBC!


For years SBC has been advocating for more cycling opportunities at JMU. In 2016 JMU expanded UREC, and with this expansion the University provided an opportunity for JMU's first cycling hub - "Cycle Central powered by SBC". Cycle Central is a small bike shop in UREC operated by SBC. At Cycle Central we offer sales, service and bicycle information/support for the beginner to advanced cyclist. Cycle Central is not just for students, but also also for faculty, staff, and anybody with UREC access.

A university is an educational institution, the learning goes well beyond the classroom. At SBC we believe cycling is one of the life long lessons and experiences that a University needs to share with it's students.  Making bicycling more accessible for students, staff and faculty will increase ridership and exposure to cycling. We don't believe every person has to ride a bike but we do believe we all need to learn to coexists and share the space we used for transportation and recreation.

At Cycle Central we have the ability to fix most any level of bicycle repair that your machine might need. From simple tire inflation, brake adjustments, shifting adjustments to full overhauls, we can do it at Cycle Central. We will also get your repair turned around as possible with most repairs able to be done the same day or within 24 hours. At Cycle Central you will find a well rounded selection of bicycle accessories and parts, our offerings are increasing on a daily basis. If we do not have it at Cycle Central we can check our inventory at our downtown location and have items transferred that day. 

We believe Cycle Central is the next step to help Harrisonburg and JMU become a bicycle community.

Come by Cycle Central and say "Hello"!

Cycle Central in UREC
M-TR: 4pm - 8pm
Fri & Sat: 11am - 5pm