Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cheating Old Man Winter with the Wolvhammer

Sometimes certain things are that much better!

WARNING!!! SBC has select sizes of these boots in stock. They will sellout QUICKLY and we may not be able to get our hands on any more this year. If you are thinking about boots then the time is now.

My old Answer winter shoes have seen the end of the road. This 7 year old pair of riding boots had made it through many rough and cold rides keeping my feet void of frost bite. Between the answer pair of winter shoes and my previous Lake winter boots I thought I had experienced the best of options for foot protection during our winter months. Now I know better,  45Nrth Wolvhammer winter boots are AWESOME!

Once I figured out the right size (go one size bigger then you normally wear or checkout the wooden 45NRTH foot measuring device at SBC) and  bolted a new pair of cleats to the bottom I test them out on a night ride. The ankle stiffness was the only item that felt awkward but this disappeared and was not noticeable at all during my second or third ride. The Wolvhammer's look big but they ride light and small, even more so then my previous lake boots. So don't let the bulky looks fool you.

These look like a joke compard to my new Wolvhammer shoes.

I like winter riding, 20 degrees bring it on, 10 degrees and I might be game, below 10 and I would bail due to my feet. Now I can enjoy anything winter will offer this year.  If you don't foresee yourself getting out there in the sub 25 degree days 45Nrth still has a pair of shoes for you, the Fasterkatt. The Fasterkatt still has many great warmth and water proof features but comes in at a lower price and less mass.

Even if you keep your riding to the road, no worries 45Nrth has on option for roads pedals too with their road version of the Fasterkatt.
Road version of the Fasterkatt by 45Nrth.

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