Friday, August 15, 2014

Bicycle Camp Out V3.0

 Another group of hardy folk joined me for our third 24 hour bicycle camp out. I was unsure as to how many people would show after the forecast practically promised rain, and indeed, this was our smallest group, but also one of the hardiest.
Love those long stretching views.

Roadside bounty.

Church spigots keep us wet.

Overlooking Slatelick Fields

Up, up,up...

Beyond the gates, where no cars go.

What a goon.

Camp kitchen, right on the water.

Harrisonburg Historical Society Meeting.

Misty morning quiet.

No trail. No problem.

Homeward Bound.
I want to thank everyone that made it out on this trip for rolling the dice with the weather forecast. Thanks for the company, I am really enjoying getting to know you folks that are becoming the regulars. Thanks to the people that haven't made it yet, every time someone asks about the next trip it stokes my fire. Stay tuned, the next trip is being planned already...


  1. Do you have a route for this trip? Thanks.

    1. Not an electronic version. The mapping software will not let me create it in its entirety, we were off the map. I do however have paper maps that I created for the ride that I am happy to share. Let me know how to get one to you if you want. Thanks for reading.

  2. If it's no trouble you could mail it to:
    1526 Rutledge Ave
    Charlottesville, VA. 22903

    Looks like a great place to ride. Thanks again

    1. Sorry, about the delay in response, I'll get that map in the mail to you real soon!

    2. No problem! Not a rush. Thanks
