Friday, August 1, 2014

Looking up on a classic!

One of my (Wootten) favorite things about riding is looking up.  Looking up is about gaining perspective and seeing the line hidden in the big picture.
Sam Skidmore looking up at the Confederate Breastworks.
If you're looking down, your airway shrinks, you get all tangled on the stuff right in front of you and it usually doesn't end well.  If you're staring at your feet, its hard to admire the beauty surrounding you, whether you're in the National Forest or in the workplace.
Heading south on the Shenandoah Mountain Trail from rt. 250 you can find signs of battle on this civil war relic of a trail.
Teams operate better when they work mutually to cultivate leaders from within their folds; recognizing talents and strengthening weaknesses.  A real beautiful thing can emerge with proper training, encouragement, accountability and freedom.  If you're looking up, its easy to see. 
You can see a lot when you are looking up.  He's looking beyond his realm of experience, into the unknown; where the imagination lives.
Sam Skidmore is a prime example of this.  Despite being the youngest dude here, we're all looking up to him because he's so awesome, so smooth, so kind, so humble.  He's validated by his team and continues to carve his own path, inspiring others to be awesome along the way.

On this ride, Sam rode the Southern Traverse for his first time.  Although I was "showing him the trail" I was looking up at his rear tire the whole time, watching his playful lines and creative interpretations of this centuries old section of trail.

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