Tuesday, October 21, 2014


We can't take the mountains to JMU so we, at SBC and UREC,  decided to take JMU to the mountains! Sunday was the first SBC led JMU UREC mountain bike ride west of town. You could not ask for a more perfect day than this past Sunday.  The leaves where full of color and the temperatures where perfect for outside fun. 

Have a lunch break at the top of Tillman West. 

Our JMU escort van driver for the day was Stephen Proffitt, who professionally managed the dense roadways of Stokesville with utmost skill. David Lee and I were the tour guides for the four brave JMU students, Shelby, Allison, Nicole and Haley.  These four ladies were rockstars on Narrowback Mountain. With no mountain bike experience they navigated the Dog Grave Yard, the Tower Trail and Tillman West Trail  with determination and an adventurous spirit. 

Lining up for some more climbing on the Tower Trail. 
There is no way to accurately describe mountain biking in a outdoor handbook or in a University Program Guide. How do you describe that feeling of a trail disappearing under a think layer of fall leaves? Words don't do justice to a trail that has been cut steep into a mountain to a point where it just blends into the side-hill? Sometimes you just need to get folks out there on two wheels to first hand experience the rolling coaster ride on mountain biking. And that is what we did!

Thanks Shelby, Allison, Nicole and Haley for a great day in mountains and putting so much trust into your tour guides!



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